Time to remember the sacrifices of those who died for their country.
Semper Fi
Don't miss out — register by June 1 APA's Planners Training Service workshops in Chicago, June 8–11 | |
Give your career a boost at APA's highly rated Planners Training Service workshops, coming to Chicago June 8–11. Here's your chance to learn the latest from the best. Expand your professional toolkit with help from top experts on: Codes for place-making, June 8–9 Zoning laws, subdivision regulations, and public works standards have created car-oriented built environments. Discover how form-based codes can help create pedestrian-friendly places of quality and specific character. Public health and the comprehensive plan, June 8–9 Planners' decisions have a profound impact on public health. Learn how to integrate public health issues into comprehensive plans, using models and best practices from around the country. Codes for sustaining places, June 10–11 Criteria and performance standards intended to make buildings and communities more sustainable are now being incorporated in building codes and zoning regulations. Learn lessons from USGBC and LEED modules, Light Imprint, and agricultural urbanism. Past participants rate their workshops "Helpful and eye-opening!" "The lectures were outstanding." "Concrete and immediately useful." "Best training session I have ever attended." "No suggestions for improving this workshop — overall very good!" "Information my local government can use as we begin a major rewrite of our comprehensive plan." |