Photo I Took From an Ultralight Plane
Artificial Intelligence
I asked this question of the artificial intelligence program Bard https://bard.google.com/.
Here is the response:
The dangers of artificial intelligence (AI) are a topic of much debate. Some experts believe that AI could pose an existential threat to humanity, while others believe that AI is simply a tool that can be used for good or evil, depending on the intentions of its creators.
There are a number of potential dangers associated with AI, including:
- Job loss: As AI becomes more sophisticated, it is likely to automate many jobs that are currently done by humans. This could lead to widespread unemployment and social unrest.
- Weaponization: AI could be used to develop new and more powerful weapons, which could increase the risk of war and terrorism.
- Bias: AI systems are trained on data that is collected from the real world. This data can be biased, which can lead to AI systems that are biased as well. This could lead to discrimination against certain groups of people.
- Loss of control: As AI systems become more powerful, they could become difficult or impossible to control. This could lead to AI systems making decisions that are harmful to humanity.
It is important to note that these are just some of the potential dangers of AI. It is impossible to say for sure what the future holds for AI, but it is important to be aware of the potential risks so that we can take steps to mitigate them.
As for the question of whether AI could "take over," this is a complex issue that is still being debated by experts. Some experts believe that it is possible that AI could one day become so intelligent that it could pose a threat to humanity. Others believe that this is unlikely to happen, as AI systems will always be limited by the data that they are trained on.
Ultimately, the question of whether AI is dangerous is a matter of opinion. There is no clear consensus on this issue, and it is likely to remain a topic of debate for many years to come.
Memorial Day - Remembering Our Fallen Comrades
We remember and honor our fallen comrades on Memorial Day. Semper Fi
Memorial Day is for honoring and mourning the U.S. military personnel who have died while serving in the United States armed forces. It is observed on the last Monday of May.
Richard James Beck Jr.
Robert Maurice Cunningham
Lawrence Michael Dart
Anthony John Grasso
John L Holstein
Bruce Norman Huff
Alfred Lee McNabb
Mills Craft Miller
Warren Frances Muhr
Robert Dennis Nawrocki
William G Newbold
William Lee Owen Jr
And thanks to the ones we don't know about
Name | Birth Date | Date of Casualty: | Age | Branch |
Richard James Beck Jr | 5/19/1947 | 5/14/1968 | 20 | Army |
Robert Maurice Cunningham | 11/8/1950 | 4/18/1969 | 18 | Marines |
Lawrence Michael Dart | 5/26/1945 | 11/7/1969 | 24 | Army |
Anthony John Grasso | 3/8/1946 | 8/28/1967 | 21 | Navy |
Richard Henry Greene | 3/18/1948 | 11/19/1968 | 20 | Marines |
John L Holstein (ROTC Sgt) | 7/10/1930 | 12/29/1966 | 36 | Army |
Bruce Norman Huff | 2/20/1944 | 5/6/1968 | 24 | Army |
Alfred Lee McNabb | 12/19/1948 | 2/2/1968 | 19 | Marines |
Mills Craft Miller | 12/5/1946 | 3/16/1967 | 20 | Marines |
Warren Frances Muhr | 1/21/1946 | 2/26/1967 | 21 | Army |
Robert Dennis Nawrocki | 3/30/1948 | 1/24/1968 | 19 | Marines |
William G Newbold | 8/15/1948 | 3/17/1971 | 22 | Army |
William Lee Owen Jr | 11/17/1944 | 4/11/1969 | 24 | Army |
Name - Boot Camp | Age at | Birth Date | Death |
Mar-May 67 | Death | ||
Richard William Brooks | 20 | 11/30/47 | 9/14/68 |
Otis Bush | 19 | 9/18/48 | 9/23/67 |
Thomas Griner | 18 | 1/16/49 | 12/19/67 |
Richard Junior Jones | 21 | 9/2/46 | 10/13/67 |
Gary Lee Smith | 19 | 8/22/49 | 9/13/68 |
World War II Casualties Co. A, 109th Engineers, 34th Division
Africa and Italy - 35 Killed, About 75 Wounded
# NAME Serial # Rank DATE CAUSE
1 Pardy, James G. 20717379 Pvt. 09/13/42 Acc. DNB
2 Bean, Willard W. 32375007 Pvt. 03/30/43 Mine Ex. KIA
3 Christensen, Robert 20717345 CPL 03/30/43 Mine Ex. KIA
4 La Fave, Cleo W. 37036991 Pfc. 03/30/43 Mine Ex. KIA
5 Loesch, Roger S. 20717375 Tech 5 03/30/43 Mine Ex. KIA
6 Marchison, Michael 6209408 Pvt. 03/30/43 Mine Ex. KIA
7 Moore, Walter 34118829 Pfc. 03/30/43 Mine Ex. KIA
8 ONeil, James J. 37026381 Pvt. 03/30/43 Mine Ex. KIA
9 Ortmayer, Leland R. 20717409 Pfc. 03/30/43 Mine Ex. KIA
10 Satre, Wayne K. 20717501 Sgt. 03/30/43 Mine Ex. KIA
11 Stanton, William R. 11052735 Pvt. 03/30/43 Mine Ex. KIA
12 Thomas, Joseph R. 33059862 Pvt. 03/30/43 Mine Ex. KIA
13 Yaworski, John C. 32376944 Pvt. 03/30/43 Mine Ex. KIA
14 Fitzpatrick, Thomas 32748115 Pvt. 10/31/43 ? DOW
15 Crichton, Scott 0-420183 1st Lt. 06/05/43 Mine DNB
16 Sorenson, Henry 20717471 Sgt. 11/02/43 Plane KIA
17 Koopman, Henry M. 37036762 Pfc. 11/02/43 Plane DOW
18 Weiss, Wilfred P. 37036777 Tech 5 11/02/43 Plane KIA
19 BeJensky, Michael 0-1102622 1st. Lt 12/03/43 Mine KIA
20 Poulos, George 16146150 Pvt. 12/07/43 ? KIA
21 Brenner, Lester M. 36181993 Pvt. 01/04/44 ? DOW
22 Garber, Russell G. 35553055 Pvt. 04/25/44 Mor KIA
23 Loebe, Carl F. 36822200 Pvt. 04/25/44 Mor KIA
24 Comeau, Leo J. 31207277 Pfc. 05/22/44 Mor KIA
25 Spencer, Philip J. 39837388 Pvt. 05/22/44 Mor KIA
26 Minier, Gene F. 20717466 Tech 5 05/22/44 Mor KIA
27 Pahl, Jack A. 20717795 Sgt 05/25/44 ? KIA
28 Cawley, Andrew G. 32394799 Pvt. 06/01/44 ? KIA
29 Waters, Veloris E. 20717489 Pvt. 06/26/44 ? KIA
30 Adams, Houston J. 31024344 Pvt. 07/16/44 R/MG KIA
31 Skala, Leonard C 32251714 Tech 5 08/02/44 ? DNB
32 Haley, George W. 20717488 Tech 5 08/??/44 Mine KIA
33 Horner, Austin V. 0-1695581 2nd Lt. 10/05/44 Mine KIA
34 Rector, Clifford B. 33530954 Pvt. ? ? KIA
35 Nazarchyk, Michael 33357739 Cpl. 12/23/44 cave-in DNB
Great Great Great Uncle James Chapin 1864
Morgan Park High School 1962-70 13 KIA http://empehiheroes.blogspot.com/
Marine Boot Camp Platoon 350 1967 5 KIA https://platoon350.blogspot.com/
Basic School Marine Officers 1969 6 KIA
Clif Hullinger’s Company 1942-45 35 KIA http://109thengineers34thdivision.blogspot.com/
Great Great Great Uncle James Chapin 1864
Great Uncle Walter Anderson 1944
And to all the brave men and women who gave their lives for us.
Semper Fi