
Neighborhood Newsletter Grant

Notice of funding availability for the 2008 Neighborhood Newsletter Grant

The 2008 Neighborhood Newsletter Grant application is now available to neighborhood associations located within the City of Peoria. For 2008, the City Council has approved a maximum of $10,000 to support the production and distribution of newsletters throughout the five council districts. To be eligible for the grant, neighborhood associations must be registered with the Planning & Growth Management Department, Neighborhood Division.

Grant applications are available at the Planning & Growth Management Department, Suite 402, Twin Towers Building, 456 Fulton Street. Applications can also be downloaded from the City’s website:
www.ci.peoria.il.us. Go to Government, H-Z Departments, Planning Department, Neighborhoods, Applications & Forms. Go to Newsletter Grant. Grant applications have been emailed to the contact persons listed in the City’s Neighborhood Association Directory.

For information contact Steve Fairbanks at 494-8603.

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