
How About the Shweeb Person Powered Monorail for Build the Block?

How About the Shweeb Person Powered Monorail for Build the Block and downtown Peoria?

The system is a small monorail powered by by pedal power.  It would be very cool to have it run between Riverfront Museum, the CAT Visitor Center, the Riverfront, the new Per Marquette Hotel, and the Civic Center. It could also serve CAT Headquarters, the Riverplex, OSF, Methodist, and Bradley University.  

The system would be TIF eligible for the areas within the TIF. I also like the City chances of getting a US DOT Grant for a Sustainable "Green" rapid transit system.

Take a look at the system and tell use what you think.

Bike-Powered Monorail Gets Google Grant
Sep 28, 2010 -- Popular Science
The Shweeb is a person-powered monorail that currently only exists as an amusement park attraction in New Zealand. But with a $1 million Google grant, the creator may yet see his dream of a commuter Shweeb system. 
» http://www.planetizen.com/node/46191

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