
Illinois GIS Association

Welcome 2011
A New Year, A New Chance to Participate!
I love the start of a new year.  A new Calendar, new dates to record, events to look forward to and most of all, a new chance to participate in opportunities both professional and for personal development.
ILGISA is THE Association for GIS Professionals within Illinois, and as such, education, networking and professional development are key elements membership.  We invite you to review the upcoming events planned for this New Year and to participate as a Member, Exhibitor, Student Member, Conference Presenter and as a Volunteer!
So with the start of this New Year, and as membership renewals take place, look to make a resolution to get involved.  To share your expertise.  To share your professional success and failures (they teach us the most as we have time to reflect and "what if" the situation all over!).  Participate in a committee.  Engage a new member.  Help determine the direction that your professional association takes in the coming decade!
Key dates to mark for your Participation & Engagement
April 19-20, 2011
R U Prepared? Disaster & GIS
October 19-20, 2011
Fall Conference, NIU Naperville Campus, Naperville Illinois

Interested in Contributing? 
The Spring 2011 Conference Committee is soliciting Workshops (1/2 day or full-day), Paper Presentations (30-90 minutes) and Posters for the upcoming conference.  NEW THIS YEAR!
The Spring Conference will consist of Workshops and Presentations on BOTH DAYS OF THE CONFERENCE...
to that end, all Submissions MUST be Received by February 18th...so that all attendee's know what each is scheduled for each day of the conference.
Additionally, look for other exciting changes, including an invitation only breakfast for Managers, a HazMat Display of Vehicles in conjunction with the Disaster theme of the event, a key note presentation by Susan Elizabeth Hough, and the annual student award presentations.

Commercial, Governmental, NFP, Educational
The 2011 Spring Conference Committee Invite you to participate as an
Exhibitor or Sponsor of April 19-20, 2011 Conference.
R U Ready?
For Disaster?  GIS and Disaster...Planning, Serving, Responding
This unique 2 day event will bring together over 30 exhibitors and over 400 GIS practioners of GIS within and around Illinois.  Application to Exhibit, at a discounted rate, is only available until February 1, 2011 via mail (see attached registration packet)  After that time exhibit registration goes "live" and fees will increase.  Questions? Contact me!

The ILGISA Honor's Committee is seeking nominations for recipients of the 2011 Student Awards.  Presented to an undergraduate student of any major who has included GIS in their course of study, and has demonstrated exemplary proficiency and understanding of GIS, potential contribution to the GIS Community, and general success in school.Nominations are due by March 24, 2011.
Student Participation Wanted!
Did you know that ILGISA is actively involved in recruiting and working with university/college students interested in GIS?  We encourage all students to consider submitting a 20 minute presentation or poster for review at the upcoming ILGISA Spring Conference, April 19-20, 2011.  This is a unique way for students to participate, earn GISP credit, gain experience presenting, opportunities for networking, and for them to learn something new.  IF you are involved with students, please forward this information on to them and encourage them to participate!
Student volunteers are needed for the upcoming Spring Conference.  Information on duties and application directions are provided on the ILGISA website.  Student volunteers must be at least a part-time student and in good standing.  Access to both conference days will be complimentary for those individuals who volunteer.  Get involved!

2011 Membership
If you wish to join ILGISA, please visit the website where you can establish your new account with the association and pay your membership dues of $50.00 electronically.  If you wish to receive an invoice, please contact the Executive Director with your email address in order to update and distribute this to you.  Please remember that all membership dues must be paid in full by March 31, 2011 in order to be eligible for discounted conference registration rates for both the Spring and Fall Conferences
Tracy L. Rogers    
Executive Director
Illinois GIS Association
Northern Illinois University
1120 East Diehl Road
Naperville, IL  60563
Phone: 815-753-2090
Fax:  815-753-8989

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