
Nik Walenda Sarasota Wire Walk

Nik Walenda walked a high wire today without a net over State Highway 41 in Sarasota, Florida. He is fine but I am still nervous.

He walked over 450 feet across a wire suspended 180 feet above ground on Tuesday, wowing several thousand people below in his hometown of Sarasota.

Without a safety net, Wallenda was the lone figure against a blue sky, aided only by a balancing pole.

The morning was windy and Wallenda dipped down to one knee on the wire frightening the crowd.

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Nick Walenda

SNN: Nik Wallenda Sarasota wirewalk ...

video.heraldtribune.comNEW1 day ago - 6 min
Highlights of daredevil crossing 200 feet above U.S. 41 on downtown bayfront.

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