
Pete Pointner's Blog

Pete Pointner FAICP, ALA, ITE is publishing a new blog. A wealth of material for planners.

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Pete Pointner FAICP, ALA, ITE selects from over 7,000 catalogued images, and builds from his more than 50 years of experience, to illustrate the principles of environmentally based urban planning and context sensitive urban design. He prepares his presentations to fit the unique interests, needs and experience of his audience. 

He has made presentations at national, state and regional conferences for the American Institute of Architects, the Institute of Transportation Engineers, American Planning Association, APWA, civic, environmental and educational groups. 

 He has conducted training workshops for 31 units of government since the year 2,000 and multiple workshops for 7 of those communities. Among the major topics he can address, with practical examples of their application are:

  • The Roles, Authority and Responsibilities of the Plan Commission & ZBA
  • Creating or Updating a Comprehensive Plan for your Community, County or Region
  • Updating a Zoning Ordinance and/or Subdivision Ordinance
  • Downtown Revitalization
  • Historic Preservation and neighborhood revitalization
  • Public Involvement and Public Hearings, Chaos or Consensus
  • Reviewing a Development Plan and Defensible Design Review
  • Facilitating the Development Review Process
  • Linking Global Environmental Issues and Local Government Action
  • Planning Concepts such as Smart Growth, Green Infrastructure, Low Impact Design, Complete Streets and Planning a Functional Transportation System
  • Preserving Rural Landscapes
  • Industrial and Commercial Area Revitalization
  • Revitalizing Arterial Corridors and Strip Commercial Development
  • Biblical Values in Planning
  • Rebuilding Urban Roadways for Land Use Compatibility

If interested, contact Pete at peteandei@att.net or 630-222-2424.

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