
Circular Firing Squad


A circular firing squad is a reference to an organization standing in a circle and shooting.  Everyone gets shot. This is not a good idea. It usually refers not to actual shooting but rather the gibes and insults routinely made by people of different political persuasions.

That is precisely what the United States is doing now.  This has always happened but it particularly bad now.

Some of it can be humorous. But much of it is angry and cruel and lies and divides our nation.

Our enemies of course love this.  Some of them aid and abet it with sophisticated campaigns to spread disinformation.

Social media adds substantial to the level of vitriol. People post outlandish things and many people believe these things and forward them to their friends.

Another term similar to the circular firing squad is the old fashioned pissing contest. Everyone gets pissed on.  Best to be avoided.

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