
"Green Streets" Webinar

The US EPA will be hosting a series of webinars and workshops aimed at urban planners throughout the Midwest. The first of these will be a “Green Streets” Webinar on March 1 from 12:00 p.m. to 1:30  p.m. Central time. There is no cost for this webinar, but you must be registered in advance to attend.

Also, a reminder that the 2011 Illinois APA State Section Conference will take place in Quincy March 24-25. This conference focuses on planning in downstate Illinois. The respective hotel reservation deadlines are February 24 and March 3, and the conference early registration deadline is March 18. More information about the conference is available here:

And as a heads-up, the Illinois APA Statewide Conference will take place in Evanston on October 5-7.

Feel free to pass on any or all of this information to your co-workers and colleagues.

Nick Hayward
Region 2 Coordinator
Illinois APA

Nicholas Hayward
Tri-County Regional Planning Commission
211 Fulton St. Ste. 207
Peoria, IL 61602
P (309) 673-9796x227
F (309) 673-9802


Hello APA Chapters located in Region 5 -

In 2011, the US EPA Region 5 office will be hosting a series of webinars and workshops aimed at urban planners throughout the region. These free, or low cost, educational sessions will focus on planning topics, such as sustainable zoning, green infrastructure, historic preservation, green buildings, and green streets. The recent HUD-DOT-EPA Partnership has presented the opportunity for increased levels of grant funding and education on the planning issues in the region.  The Region 5 office hopes to work with the APA chapters to get the word out on these educational opportunities that will focus on midwestern examples and projects.

As an upcoming educational opportunity, the US EPA Region 5 office and the Federal Highway Administration are partnering on a "green streets" webinar that is aimed at planners in IL, MI, WI, IN, OH, and MN. This free webinar will be a unique EPA-FHWA session that focuses on municipal green street efforts that support neighborhood redevelopment.

Can you please forward this webinar information to your respective email lists or newsletters and/or post on the chapter website? As additional webinars and workshops are announced, event details will be forwarded to each state chapter.



Jon Grosshans, AICP, LEED-AP
Community Planner
US EPA Region 5
77 W. Jackson Blvd.,  SM-7J
Chicago, IL  60604
Ph: 312.353.5617
Fax:  312.697.2745

GREEN STREETS as a Community Revitalization Strategy 

Tuesday - March 1, 2011
12:00-1:30 PM Central
Register at:

Explore how Green Streets can be a sustainable stormwater management strategy that also contributes to community redevelopment. Many Midwestern cities are using ‘green street’ strategies in place of routine street rehabilitation to address stormwater, transportation, and neighborhood stabilization goals. By combining transportation choice with environmental strategies, a green street product can support redevelopment efforts from multiple stakeholder perspectives.  Attendees will see a blend of planning, engineering, and neighborhood revitalization strategies from each panelist in a case study format.

This webinar will focus on several green streets pilot projects in Lansing, MI; Toledo, OH; and Chicago, IL. From the rainwater management strategies to the materials used in the street infrastructure, there are many elements of a street rehabilitation project that can ‘go green’ to assist with sustainability objectives and neighborhood stabilization.

Webinar speakers will include:
·        David Leopold, City of Chicago, IL
·        Chad Gamble, City of Lansing, MI
·        Dan Christian, Tetra Tech
·        Patekka Bannister, City of Toledo, OH

No webinar cost, however, attendees need to reserve a webinar seat in advance at:https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/968278187

HUD, DOT, and EPA representatives will highlight the federal and state options to use agency funding to implement green streets projects in your community.

This free webinar is a Region 5 EPA & DOT program aimed at municipal staff, local officials, and technical consultants about the practical implementation of the Livability Principles that are the basis for the Partnership for Sustainable Communities.

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