
APA Conference

New Planning Officials Track - Register for Only $40
Calling all Plan Commissioners, Village Trustees, Mayors,
Aldermen, Presidents, and City Council Members!
New to this year is a special conference track designed specifically for YOU! Join your fellow plan commissioners and other appointed municipal officials on Thursday, October 6th for a special Planning Officials Track.

The Planning Officials Track is comprised of 3 educational sessions:
  • The history of planning, the roles of the commissioners and the planning process;

  • Learn about important documents that every plan commissioner should be familiar with including Robert’s Rules of Order, the Open Meetings Act, and topics regarding ethics, and conflicts of interest;
  • A facilitated round table discussion with practiced planners and elected officials. The discussion is aimed for officials and staff planners to work together and talk about ideas, challenges, and address essential questions that are bound to aide your city or village and enhance its smart planning progress. 
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