
Changing My Cell Phone Number To 309 966 1616

I am changing my cell phone to the Illinois number 309 966
1616. This number was used by my wife in Illinois. 

My Florida number 941 312 1032 will still work, but will be a Google Voice number that will go to my computer. You can leave a message on that number.

The switchboard to the right was on Hill 327 near Danang, Vietnam. I was an old SB-86 with stacked SB-22's on top.  Very old and creaky. Wires everywhere.

Ron Leon asked me if I would watch the switchboard while he went to get the mail.

"Sure", I said, "show me how to do it." He showed me and took off.

I handled the first call ok. But as more calls came in I became confused. I was disconnecting calls, and ringing back into peoples ears, and in general screwing it up.

The board was totally lit up when Leon came back. This was not good.

 "Lieutenant, what did you do?" cried Leon!

"I screwed it up", I said, "Fix it!" and went back to my office.

The CO, the XO, and the S-3 all called me within minutes.

"Who the hell do you have on the switchboard? He is terrible!". 

They were somewhat profane, as angry officers can be.

"It was a new man, Sir,"  I said. "We will never put that idiot back on the board.

"Oh", they said. I think they felt a little bad about how I must have chewed out the poor idiot.

     ...............    I never put that idiot back on the switchboard.

                                        Craig Hullinger 

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