
Federal Employment Peaked In May 1990

The population of the United States grew from 132,164,569 in 1940 to 331,449,281 in 2020. So keeping the Federal workforce with little growth over that time period is impressive. And it includes the Department of Defence. And most of the people I observed were hard working, and a lot of them charged machine guns for minimum wage.

One thing we learned in the Marine Corps was that you take care of your troops, and your troops will take care of you.

And most of us found that to be true. And most of us thought that was the right way to be a leader.

And the corollary was screw over your troops, and your troops will screw over you. And that is also true. Your unit will be demoralized and angry, and the good competent people will quit. 

Trump and Musk are the new leaders of the United States and the Federal Government, a very large professional organization.

And they are screwing Federal employees. Locking them out of their computers and offices, and trying to get them to quit. 

A great way to ruin a fine organization. Our "Great Leap Forward". Doge is Dodgy. Musk is doing to our government what he did to Twitter - ruining it.

We Americans will suffer from a  demoralized work force with a lower level of service. And our prestige and respect among the nations will plummet. Already has. But not to worry - China will fill the void.

There are no doubt inefficiencies in such a large organization, and I have no problem with reducing waste. But you do that carefully, eliminating the fat but not the muscle. That takes careful study and review. You develop a plan to reduce your workforce that is understood by your stockholders (the American people) and by the employees. And you treat the people that you eliminate fairly. You don't just whack people - not if you are a competent and decent leader.  

Pathetic. No way for a great country to operate. SAD.

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